QB Guild

Veqber is a collection of stories of all people.

This is a story of commitment, innovation and prosperity — a thriving guild that rewards those who dare to imagine an alternative future in which your personal story to revolutionize decentralized finance will be created.

Thus, while traditional companies seek to seize on the past and preserve their centralized client-company models, Veqber seeks to capture and capitalize on the power of decentralization.

scalping trading

This is a trade based on the principle of “chicken pecks grain by grain”. Veqber’s strategy consists in a large number of small transactions. As a result, the day should close with a positive result. Scalpers catch small impulses caused by various factors.


Veqber makes dozens of transactions in one day based on technical analysis and complex chart systems. The company closes all positions by the end of the day, and not a single position will remain overnight when trading within the day. There is no risk when using such a strategy.


Swing trading is based on the analysis of fluctuations that last several days. Keeping an open position for several days or weeks leads to a higher profit for the company than several times a day.


The company, after conducting an analysis, can hold positions from several months to several years.

Our values were determined as a result of a company-wide interaction process

Too often we reduce innovation to nothing more than technological progress. Such thinking encases innovations within the framework of traditional paradigms and ignores their foundations of imagination and creativity.

At Veqber, we protect the creative aspects of innovation. We strive to develop innovations that are on the verge of the unthinkable and constantly go beyond traditional products.

This ideal is the driving force behind our success and will continue to characterize our development as we expand to products that redefine social media, developer tools, and games.

As always, Veqber will build on our innovations. Thus ensuring that the community owns our creations and reaps the benefits fairly.

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